True Or False Horse Name Quiz

Throughout the racing world there are plenty of horses names that stick in your mind because they might be named after a famous celebrity or they might be that strange that you can't forget it.

Well, this is what this quiz is all about we are testing your knowledge on how well you have been paying attention to certain races and just racing in general over the years.

We have created a quiz that gives you some actual real race horses that are currently racing now or did in there career and also some made up horses names that are not true.

This quiz is all multiple choice with obviously a 50/50 chance of you getting the answer right with just the two options of True or False to get the answer right.

There are no clues so you will have to know the answer or have a lucky guess which you might as well do if your struggling.

We have given you 3 minutes to complete 10 questions which should be more than enough time and because of this we are expecting you to get at least 8/10.

After you have taken the quiz we want to see your scores so send your score into @TWEnclosure and we will retweet the best ones. Good Luck!