The lads at @Footyaccums have been flying with their poker leagues and we have put together a blog explaining how to get involved, what you can win and how to play poker if you are unsure on all the aspects.
Texas Hold'em Poker is a card game in which a player bets that the value of his or her hand and believes it is greater than that of the hands held by others, in which each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out, and in which the player holding the highest hand at the end of the betting wins the pot.
Over the last month the Footyaccumulators night league has seen huge amounts of players on a weekly basis with three tournaments a week commencing on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7PM onwards.
It costs £5.50 to enter the tournament with chances to win your stake back by knocking other players out and picking up bounties which sees you receive cash rewards.
If you are unfortunately knocked out before late registration ends, you have the opportunity to re-enter a maximum of two times, for the same original stake. After late registration ends usually just after 8PM you can not play again if knocked out.
Here are the numbers from the first month of @Footyaccums league.